Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Duolingo 50 Day Streak!

Today I hit a 50 day streak of Japanese on DuoLingo. Woot!!!

Thanks go out to Martin who got me off the habit of ignoring it over weekends and just having lots of little 5 day streaks throughout the week. On the otherhand, I am going to be really unhappy when I forget some day and break this streak now. I guess I’ll just have to not let that happen… somehow…

Yesterday, I forgot my phone at home and ended up using Duolingo on the web instead. I learned that some of the practice skills have an associated lesson (Tips & Notes) attached. These don’t show up on the phone.

Desktop w/ Tips & Notes (lightbulb icon) DuoLingo Tips & Notes available

Phone - No Tips & Notes! DuoLingo Tips & Notes NOT available on phone

These Tips & Notes are super handy! Previously I was guessing (often incorrectly) at some of the reasons for things, because there was no explaination of the grammar or rules. I was surprised to discover that DuoLingo had this; it just was not visible on the phone! Tips & Notes example

If you only use DuoLingo through the phone app, I encourage you to check them out on the web. Now that I’ve found these, I’m planning to go back and review some of the earlier sections. I want to make sure I correctly understand the grammar rules & vocabulary usage.

If you DuoLingo too, follow me and see if I can keep this streak going! I’d love to cheer you on in your language learning adventures as well. Find me on DuoLingo as Mary233171, where I’m learning Japanese along with an occassional review of some Russian.