Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer


So it’s our anniversary… which we’ve decided to double acknowledge on both 8/1 when the event happened and 8/8 (the cooler date) when the marriage license was official. We had a nice Burger Jones dinner on their patio on the first, and then went out to have some Cracker Barrel tonight. Fried chicken for him, & turkey for me. Woot!

The year has zipped right by. I can hardle believe that it’s August! Our anniversary reminds me that the State Fair is right around the corner, and that means Fall. Already?!

We’ve gotten so much stuff done with the house. Although there’s still a lot of work left to do, we’re winding up the details on the current work and starting to look more toward next year now. Martin has been finishing up the last bits of window & floor trim, and I got my window trim done yesterday. This last bit of polish makes things look so very nice.

The bird feeder is also up again. It went up late last week and has been a hit with the neighborhood birds.

The feeder has been a hit with this guy. We’ve also seen a lady, his sweetheart perhaps, and a little one.

Eastern Goldfinch

Here he’s joined with a Chickadee. We’ve seen lots of those. Martin called it a “chickadee turnstile” the other day.

Goldfinch & Chickadee.

Next up is another Chickadee with a lil’ Downy Woodpecker. He’s cute, so long as he keeps his distance from our front cedar siding…

Chickadee & Downy Woodpecker.