Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Humming Birds!

Our bird feeder has been a hit. We’ve gone through an entire bag of feed, and when shopping for more Martin decided to get a nectar feeder for the humming birds that have been zipping around the house as well.

It’s also been a hit so far. Martin saw three out there the other day, but they’re hard to photo. Here’s an attempt at one…


It’s hard to tell what kind they might be. They move so fast!!! They look grey to me, so maybe they are ladies or young ones. I’m used to seeing the bright green Ruby Throated ones from FL. These are much less brilliantly colored.

I also forgot to mention that a few weeks ago now I adopted an old rope hammock and stand from Christy following their summer garage clean out. It’s been awesome!!! I’ve got it set up out back, in the shade near the deck. It’s a nice place to hang out with a book and watch the birds at the feeder. I’ve also been visited by squirrels, chipmunks, and bunnies while dozing there too. The neighbor’s dog Rigby even stopped by too… sigh.