Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Winter Prep!

We got a snow blower today! After the horrors of shoveling out the driveway last winter, where the snow plow basically takes all the snow down the culdesac and leaves it in front of our driveway & mailbox, we were not about to do that again.

The new snowblower.

Martin’s dad got this for us, which was very sweet. He’s been a big help following our move this year, and we’re very grateful. Thanks!!!

The weather is changing, so it feels like this is just in time too. We’re shutting the windows for the night, as it looks like it will be down to 50 overnight. Fall is definitely in the air.

I still have some projects I’d like to get to in the yard this year, but things haven’t really worked out to get to them. I was hopeful about this week after work, but it’s been wet and rainy, so we’ll have to see if it can dry up a bit first. The main thing I’d like to get done is to prep a rain garden in the area where our downspouts meet and dump all the water from the roof. It’s quite a mess there, super sloppy and the grass get’s all flattened out. It’s hard to mow, and getting mossy in the shade.

Anyhow, we’ve got quite a weekend planned for the holiday. Christy is in town, though we haven’t sorted out exactly when we’re planning to get together yet. Martin is wrapping up the work on a desktop for Dave, and he’s meeting us for breakfast on Saturday to pick it up. Then we’ve got the Saturday evening grill fest with the Spencers… I’m looking forward to it, but hoping that it also includes some quiet time in the hammock.