Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Hummingbird Migration

So we had a warm week, then things got chilly again. While it was warm, Martin cleaned out the hummingbird feeder and we got a few birds stopping by again.

Hummingbird at the feeder.

This was a great educational opportunity for us. I didn’t realize that we needed to clean a hummingbird feeder that often! (In warm weather every 3 days, cooler weather at least once a week.) Apparently the feeder will clog and then the birds can’t eat, but it can also get contaminated with bacteria or mold.

We have also been wondering how long we should leave the feeder up. Apparently into October is good, but they can still be migrating even into November depending on the weather and location. They say to leave it about 2 weeks after you see the last hummingbird. That should catch any late ones that need to eat along the way.

The blog wouldn’t be complete without a kitty pic. With the cooler weather, we’ve had the windows closed more often recently, but that hasn’t kept Kyo from chilling on my new bookshelf. The blanket makes it a super popular and cozy spot.

Kyo sleeping on the bookshelf by the window.

It does get chilly there by the window, so I’m going to pick up a little heating pad (pet bed safe) to nestle in the blanket. Hopefully that will keep it cozy even after the snow comes.