Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

October Catch-up

I’ve been sick pretty much since my last post after the last graduation in September. I was so worried I was going to be sick for their graduation. I remember being at work that week and feeling the sore throat coming on, but I managed to hold it off for a bit. By the end of the next week though it was all over. Thursday night I went to bed early and woke up feeling like demons had clawed my throat apart. The next few days were awful, but the worst was over by Monday. Still I’ve had a nasty cough ever since. I feel like it’s getting better, but I’m still so amazingly tired.

Anyhow, outside of being sick, I’ve gotten to meet my new cohort, Trifid. We’re working through things online right now, they won’t be in class until after my birthday in November. They seem like a great bunch though, I’m super excited to be working with them.

I also had happy hour with my Spring cohort Atbash (Ooh ha ha!) last Friday at Brit’s Pub downtown. It was so much fun to see them again! We had a pretty good turn out, most but not all of them.

Atbash happy hour at Brit's.

I’ve also started working on a new fantasy world map. I haven’t quite gotten my act together enough to pull that stuff in to this website yet, but maybe once I’m feeling better… In the mean time, you can see some pictures and a short write-up on how I’ve been pulling it together over on GitHub: Worldbuild Oct 2019. (Scroll down toward the bottom to see the ReadMe.) I thought that maybe having it all be a little more public (and somewhere that the dates show) might keep me more motivated. It’s gone untouched for a week though, so we’ll see how well this idea works in another week or so. I’m working at forgiving myself more, at least until I’m feeling better.

As for other news, about the only other thing to report is the weather… It’s been super wet and rainy this year, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that when the temperature dropped we got snow. Friday morning there was snow in Burnsville. Martin said it was really coming down. By the afternoon we had snowflakes falling past the classroom windows too, and it snowed off an on Saturday as well. The snow didn’t stick of course, but you could see it on the rooftops.

Snow on our roof.

It’s also pumpkin season, so the bright spot in my world today has been the yummy pumpkin pie from Costco. It’s huge, and it’s all mine! Martin doesn’t like it so I get to eat it all!!! It counts as a vegetable, right?