Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Fall Leaves

Love our yard and trees, but oh do they have so many leaves to drop! We had Dave come by yesterday to help us get rid of somewhere around 20 bags of leaves. Today we were at it again and have another huge pile of bagged up leaves and garden. Best part is, the trees aren’t naked yet. Sigh…

We started all optimistic that helping each other, we’d be done in an hour. About 90 min in, I stopped to warm up with some hot apple cider and took some photos. We had about half the backyard leaves gathered, and I had a good part of the garden cleaned up.

Half of the yard cleaned of leaves.

Martin still blowing leaves.

Of course, there was still the other side of the backyard, under the big tree…

Half of the yard yet to gather.

In the end we had about half as many bags as last time - nine bags of leaves & three stuffed with garden cuttings, and still more leaves to drop. Sigh…

Bags waiting to go to drop-off.