Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Spirit Week & Halloween

We’ve been in the Halloween spirit all week at Prime, so I’ve been having quite a bit of fun trying to creatively costume. It’s made for a pretty fun last week of “light” work before my new cohort starts on campus Monday.

Monday was PJ day, so we all rolled into work looking super cozy. Tuesay was more fun, as the theme was “dress like your favorite instructor”. I was encouraging the staff to dress like each other, and I was one of our UX instructors, Kyre, and Dane was me!

Mary as Kyre & Dane as Mary.

Wednesday was dress as your favorite emoji, so I went as the Pikachu emoji. (We have custom ones on Slack)

Emoji day at Prime

Thursday, Halloween itself, was a free for all costume day. I had intended to repeat Yona of the Dawn, but then made a last minute morning decision to dig out the kendo uniform and go as Kenshin, or Samurai X.

My Samurai X costume.

The whole idea came from taking off a maroon T-shirt in the morning and thinking as I pulled it off my head it could be a cheap wig… I ended up not using the t-shirt, but chopping up a pillow case instead.

Costume closeup.

Today is 80’s, 90’s, 00’s day, so time to whip out old clothes… I was really not too sure about this one, but managed to find some Mary-2005-ish wear, and poof. All I’m missing are my little black Etnie’s w/ pink laces. Wah! I can’t believe I’ve lost them!!!