Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer


We’ve got more snow for the holiday! It was another rough commute Wednesday, with our 6-8” falling overnight, but we were more ready for it this time. The trip in went about about as well as could be expected, and if the snow puts you in the holiday spirit, then you should be all filled up with joy.

Snow falling outside the house Tues night.

Thanksgiving was fun. We cooked a turkey breast to take over to Martin’s family. His sister prepped all the other items. It all turned out really well, and we had a nice little Thanksgiving. It was great to be able to spend some time with them.

Christy was reminding me too that one of the keys to happiness is taking time to remember and recognize the things in your life that you are appreciative of - or if you like grateful or thankful for. It was nice to take a little time to think about that on the drive over. Especially since there have been more than a few stressors in life of late.

When all we do is focus on those negative or stressful things, that can quickly take over and dominate the overall mood. Just a few minutes to remember the positive things, making a point not to take them for granted can make a big difference. It’s not the easiest habit to build, but particularly when feeling down, take a few minutes to think about those things that you are thankful for and that support you.