Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

December Is Here

There hasn’t really been much news worthy, but I also don’t want this blog to go dark… So when in doubt on what to post, share cat pictures!

Kyo and Fred, know how to stay warm snuggled up on my bookshelf. There’s a little kitty heating pad in that blanket. But it’s even better to be cozied up with your brother cat too.

Kyo & Fred staying warm on the bookshelf.

I’ve been enjoying my time in Guild Wars 2 a lot lately. There has recently been a new release of their Living World content which continues their story content, and I think this latest release has been particularly good. We’ve had a lot of defeat the big bad as the focus of the content, while some potentially interesting under currents have taken 2nd place to the fight. This time it feels like those under currents are put more front and center, and the change in the content feel is rather gripping.

Historically I’ve rarely played through their Living World content more than once or twice, if more than that it’s been for some key loot reward. I’ve taken 5 characters through the first two episodes of this new content at this point, and intend to keep rolling through my others. Not only is the story line cool, but the new maps are kinda fun. It’s re-kindled my sense of joy for the game, and even has me revisiting some of the older content to complete it. Woot!