Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Wrapping Things Up

At work, we’re almost to our winter break (no classes), and that’s got me thinking a lot about the end of the year which is fast approaching. A lot has happened this year, and there’s still room for a lot more to happen yet… Anyhow that’s got me thinking about the things I really should wrapup or finish before we ring in the new year.

We’ve done a lot of work on the house this year, but there are a lot of little things that have been left unfinisheed along the way. So I’ve been trying to make a list of them to get these little things that are so easy to put off, finally finished:

I’ve also got my reading goal for the year, which is currently still a little short - 90/100 books. I’m a little behind, but not too bad. It’s not impossible at this point, however I do need to have the books to read them. I’m waiting for a few holds to come in at the library, and that should add 5 more manga/graphic novels which are pretty quick reads. I’ve also just started The Golden Compass, which seems like it should move along fairly quickly. That leaves 4 more books to find and read before year end. There are a few more books in that His Dark Materials series that I could read, but there’s a fairly long hold on those from the library, so I’ll probably have to look elsewhere.

My last bit of wrapup stuff is around personal goals. I try to take some time to think about goals throughout the year, and track those in my bullet journal. However, I like to revisit these at the end of the year and look at how things turned out. Did I meet my goals? Did my goals change? What do I want to do next year? I haven’t really had time to dive into this yet, but that’s also on my year end wrapup agenda.

I’ve also been thinking a lot about the things that I’m appreciative of. I haven’t really been making a list so much as just thinking about them, but it feels like it is time to do a little better there and put some of these in writing. I want them to see them on paper so that these things get more of the recognition they deserve. Let them be something I can come back to and revisit when the going gets rough.