Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Early Christmas

So Martin and I don’t usually do Christmas gift giving. We will generally just get things we want, when we want them throughout the year. However one thing I’ve wanted and never really got around to getting are some house plants. So when I walked into Home Depot this morning and saw some luscious green plants, I decided it was time to get myself a Christmas present.

After doing a little research to learn which were not toxic to cats, I brought home two Majesty Palms and a Bromeliad. The kitties were pretty scared of them as I brought them in, but once they were settled into a spot and potted up nicely they all had to come say hello. Everyone of course had to nibble too, so I’ve been sitting out here with a little squirt bottle. Ready to intercept any nibbles. It might not be toxic, but it isn’t good for the plants either.

Kyo checking out one of the palms.

Fred checking out the other palm.

So far Abby is the only one to find the bromeliad. Abby checking out the Bromeliad.

To keep them out of trouble, we also spent a little time with the Cat Dancer. They all get into it, but Kyo is the pro. He almost always gets it when he pounces.

Abby is wants it, but knows Kyo is going in for the grab. Abby and Kyo

Kyo got it, but then Abby got him, so now Fred has moved in. Abby and Fred

Fred is taking the easy swipes now while the others re-think their strategy. Fred, Abby, & Kyo

After 30 minutes of Cat Dancing, they had forgotten about the new plants. I’d call that a successful plan. Woot!

I’ve also been working on some of those little wrap-up tasks. I painted the trim for the stairs going down to the basement. I also got some stair treds and risers this morning, and Martin’s spent the afternoon cutting and sanding them. I’ll aim to put the first coat of finish on them tonight. Hopefully the remainder of the stairs will be done to kick off the new year.

Painted trim

I also went through the remaining 1/2 jar of wood putty for the floor, so I got 2 more jars this morning along with the plants. It’s a tedious task, so I’m doing it little bits at a time. Mostly while chatting on the phone with Mom & Dad. ^.^

We also had a bit of a financial mishap with both of us making payments to pay the credit card, so I decided in true consumer fashion to spend that extra payment money by ordering insulated subfloor panels for the basement.Home Depot is awesome enough to deliver it, and it should be here by Jan 5th, so at least I can get it into the house (if not installed) before I head back in to work. It would be nice to at least have that main living area down there fixed up to a proper liveable state.

I’m planning to have a little Christmas Eve fun tomorrow with Christy’s family. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them all. They do snacks and exchange gifts in the afternoon. Of course there will also be fuzzy puppy love from Sophie and kitty cuddles from Willow and Whim. Their Christmas tree is always so pretty too, though it’s debatable whether or not the tree will still be standing, as it’s become Willow’s home away from home.

Christy's Willow in the Tree

Merry Christmas everyone!