Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer


This last week for me was amazingly busy, with lots of late nights and things to do. The weekend was it’s own bit of adventure, with a little bit of fun and a little bits of challenge.

Let’s just run down my abnormally busy week…

Tuesday was the potluck for my current Prime cohort Trifid. It’s a great tradition of getting the students together with their family and friends over some food to mingle and bond. My contribution was to be variety finger sandwhiches - cucumber, chicken salad, ham & cheddar, Nutella & raspberry, and smoked salmon & cream cheese. Little did I realize how long making these was going to take. I thought it’d be easy to whip them up the hour or so before the pot luck, but it took a good chunk of time to make them and arrange them. So much so that as people were coming in, I was still making sandwhiches. I never even got to the salmon. Quite a bummer since it’s not really my favorite food either. That’s now chilling in my freezer. Probably for the next potluck. ^.^

Wednesday night I was up in the rotation for the Prime HTML/CSS Workshop. It went really well. There were about 10-11 people there, but it sounded like all of them were already into the application process. Woot! It was one of the best sessions I’ve facilitated. They were a great group and I hope to see them all as future students.

Wednesday also saw the return of Abby. Martin had taken her with him to his dad’s, but even after a few weeks she didn’t seem too happy there so he brought her back. This tossed a new mix of stress into my week, as now poor Abby was stressing out with her brothers and no one was there to offer any comfort. Plus kitty dinner was super late, and Abby loves her food. Despite my best efforts, she ate in the kitchen with the others, then disappeared into the basement for the rest of the night.

Thursday was the first onsite class meeting for my new Prime cohort Dijkstra. This is their first week working through the online material and learning about Git & GitHub and some basic HTML & CSS. It was awesome to get to meet them all. There were two sessions, one at noon and one at 5:30, and the group was fairly well split between both. I even got to see a little magic! Awesome!

By Friday I was exhausted and Abby was doing a little better. I think it helped that Martin came by to visit. She was still hissing at her brothers, but not so much at me. Tried to play a bit with the cat-dancer, and she and Fred had a bit of a tether-ball like thing going with hisses at every Fred swat. It was cute and only lasted a few minutes, but was very cute. We all slept in late on Saturday morning, but I woke up to all 3 kitties in the same general area of the bed - a big improvement.

Saturday I met Christy for lunch at Punch, then later I was convinced to go out and live a little by visiting Can Can Wonderland with Richard. It was fun, but super busy. They have some funky indoor mini-golf, which was full for the night by the time we arrived. They also do hard-cider floats, which was tempting, but I’ve x-ed alcohol from my diet so no go there for me, but it looked amazing. There was live music, old arcade games with a lot of pin-ball, and apparently some nights they encourage some tap dancing (not Sat though). We found a quiet corner to just chill and chat, which was nice as all the people & noise was a bit much for me.

Sunday, I had planned to meet another friend, but she didn’t get back into town in time. That was fine though, as I got to do a little bit of catchup in GW2 before the Canthan New Year ended. I was also supposed to be feeding this baby Skyscale mount all week, which clearly did not happen. It was a little cranky about the neglect, but fortunately these game animals are far more forgiving than the real ones.

Today (Monday) my Trifid students presented their solo-projects. They were amazing!!! Then in the afternoon they got to meet their group project clients and get started scoping their projects. Their clients are a combination of small business & non-profits. I’m excited. I think they’re going to be great, both the teams and the projects.