Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Beautiful Morning

The number one thing I love about snowy winters are mornings like this one where the trees are all frosted. I woke up early today, and was just going about the ho-hum of getting ready for work, and then poof. The sun started coming up and I looked out the window and it was glorious!

Beautiful frosty backyard

Frosty frontyard

It was so unexpected and beautiful that I had to just stand there and enjoy it for a bit. I will also say I think we deserved a little beauty after the mess of snow we had to deal with yesterday…

Driveway and walk before shoveling.

This was yesterday morning, as I woke up to face the reality of having to shovel before meeting Dave for breakfast at Jensen’s. It was 7am, and before going out, I thought it was maybe just an inch of snow. Nope! It was more like 3 and I should have just used the darn snowblower. It was fluffy so I figured no big deal. And I was being stubborn, since at least the plow hadn’t come through yet. By the time I finished, it was close to 7:30 and the driveway was already re-covered. ARGH!

Driveway and walk after shoveling.

Breakfast was awesome though, as is the usual, both at Jensen’s and with Dave. ^.^ Fortunately it didn’t seem quite as busy as usual for a Sunday morning, because we sat there for almost 3 hours chatting away about life the universe and gaming. Woot!

As we were heading out I got a notice that USPS tried to deliver a package, but my driveway and walk was not accessible. What? I just shoveled?! Oh… but I bet the snowplow came through. Sure enough, I got home and had to park on the street due to the wall of snow left in its wake. This time I did get the snow blower out to hack through the wall and take care of the new few inches of snow on the driveway. At least it had pretty much stopped by then.

I had intended to finish taxes, but I was looking for some statements that weren’t out yet - by Feb 15th it said. So I figured that I’d check back later this week, and enjoy the Sunday afternoon. After all that talk of gaming, I decided to spend some time in Civ. I think I gave it 3-4 starts and they were all pretty bad. Seems I’ve forgotten how to strategize in this new version…

I did get some things accomplished on Saturday, so it’s not like it was a total procrastination weekend. I got some new art for the walls, and got my books arranged on the bookshelf - both to replace Martin’s stuff. I do find it all a bit sad, but at the same time the place is starting to feel more mine and that makes it a little less lonely.

Dining Room - Birds & Flowers 3 panel, framed birds & flowers.

Living Room - Peacocks (in the snow?) Pair of peacocks on a branch in the snow.

Abby chilling (or is that warming, the throw is heated) on the bookshelf. Abby sitting on the bookcase.