Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Graduation Week

Looking back over the last week, there’s not too much to update on…

Things at work have been pretty busy. I’ve got an outgoing class (Trifid) and an incoming class (Dijkstra) all at the same time. It’s been busy, but also super exciting. It’s a great mix of emotion, energy, and enthusiasm. I’m so excited for the group graduating and getting ready to start their new careers, yet sad to see them leave the classroom as it means the end of our time here together. Balancing that out though is the excitement of seeing the new class building up their skills and getting ready to come in and build that awesome sense of community and comradery. It’s just so exciting!!!

Valentine’s was kinda unexpectedly fun. I came in to see a little valentine on my desk from one of my colleagues, and it had a little temporary tattoo in it - a donut and a little heart. I tried to get the heart on my cheek, but it came off in pieces and just ended up blobbed. Boo! However I did get the little donut on my hand, and it kept me smiling for the day.

Pink donut tattoo.

We also had a UX cohort graduate, so there was awesome graduation cake at work. Plus the follow-up happy hour at Crooked Pint with their yummy pretzels. Since it was Valentine’s attendance was light, but it was no less fun. I wasn’t planning to stay long, but we were having a good time so I ended up losing track of time and staying longer than I intended.

Saturday, I made a really awesome spinach & goat cheese omlette for breakfast. I’ve been making this quite a bit lately, but was super proud of this one. It came out so nicely folded and beautifully golden!

Homemade spinach omlette.

This fueled me up well to get some cleaning and packing done before Martin & Brian came by to move some of his bigger things and wood-working tools out. It was sad, but also good. I’m getting a lot of things unpacked and cleaned up that were still boxed up from the move last year, while trying to go through and sort out what is what and whether it will go or stay. My goal is also to condense down the things I’m keeping and minimize stored stuff. If I’m not using it (or planning to soon), it needs to either go with Martin or go entirely.

Christy was also back on Saturday, and I picked her up at the airport before our usual Punch lunch. It was great to see her, as always, and also cool to see her funky neighborhood snowman, complete with blowing hair!

Fluffy haired snowman.

Sunday started out with meeting Richard for breakfast at Jensen’s where I enjoyed their stuffed French toast, one of my many favorites. Then, I spent the afternoon on my hair - color & cut - which was much needed some before presentation and graduation week at Prime. I wish I could say I spent the evening a bit more productively than I did. I did manage to get my laundry done, but I spent most of the evening watching more of Tegami Bachi, which has pulled me in recently.

I’m so very excited for the week ahead! Woot!!!