Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Spring Ahead

Once again it is my least favorite time of year, the start of Daylight Savings Time. Spring ahead indeed… I was just enjoying that bit of light before heading to work in the morning only to have it stolen from me by outdated time policy. UGH! Can’t we ditch this yet MN?!

I suppose I survived it, though I keep forgetting not all the clocks auto-update for me, so I forgot a few times how late it actually was. The cats were happy though, in their minds they were eating an hour early. There was far less pestiness before dinner last night and this morning as they were just getting into it when poof! they were fed.

Speaking of kitty annoyances, one of my biggest sorces of grief lately has been the slow but persistent destruction of the lovely little palms that I had so happily brought into our home. As Christy put it, the kitties loved them to death

Battered and abused potted palm trees.

So, this weekend I decided it was time to replace the little one which was quite obviously not going to make it with a taller and hopefully less tempting specimen. I also decided to fight back and cage them in with a bit of chicken wire.

Wire caged palm trees.

So far this approach seems to be working well. I suppose it doesn’t look too bad either. The wire is a little shiny, but unless you’re really focused on it, it doesn’t stand out too much.

Daylight Savings aside, it was a really nice weekend. It was warm, 50-60 melting away most of the snow and ice. I even got out to wash the car!!!

Front yard is almost clear of snow.

I started the weekend chatting with a current Ole interested in working in tech. He wanted to chat about my experience and why I decided to take up teaching. It was great! He was totally prepared too. Had a list of questions to ask, kept things flowing well. I’ve had professional interviews that didn’t go half that well.

Christy was also back for a long weekend, and we had some Punch Pizza lunch. Then she was kind enough to join me on the shopping adventure to Ikea to replace the sad dying palm. That was great as it was super busy and I appreciated having someone to chat with and offer plant advice and transport support.

Martin was also over on Sunday to help finish some more trim work. Sounds like he’ll be starting work this week, so we should get things in gear and wrap all this moving and trim work up. We’re aiming for two more weekends of work. We’ll see if we can pull that off.