Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

My Latest Adventure

Madison Trip

Christy usually comes back to the Twin Cities on the weekends and comes to visit me, but this time I felt like I had a little more time on my hands with my cohort graduated, and decided to make the trip to visit her in Madison. It’s about a 4 hour drive, but not too bad at all. I left late Saturday morning and arrived just before 2PM. We had a great time hanging out that evening and just catching up on things. It’s been a while since we got together without an agenda or time window looming. We headed out for dinner at Monty’s Blue Plate Diner, then spent more time just hanging out and playing with her cats - Whim & Willow.

Sunday we had breakfast at Lazy Jane’s Cafe, where I had an awesome lemon scone and Christy had an amazingly fluffy looking waffle. Then we spent the afternoon at the Olbrich Botanical Gardens. The gardens were amazingly beautiful and relaxing. If I lived near there, I think I’d be there all the time!

A pretty maroon tree.

There were so many different kinds of trees, and shrubs and flowers!

This one I think was an ornamental garlic or onion… A pretty ball from an onion or garlic plant.

The were common flowers like snapdragons and violets, but they hardly felt common… Punch colored snapdragons!

Beautiful violets.

And there were more unusual plants too! Like this one called a ballgown, which I think looks more like a lantern.

Flowering shrub with little lantern flowers.

We saw some wildlife too. We saw bunnies, chipmunks, so many birds, turtles, and even some frogs well hidden in a pond. We only started to look close enough to find the frogs after we heard some kids competing to see who could find more.

Bunny enjoying the afternoon.

Frog hiding in the pond.

Previous Adventures

  • Atbash Graduation Day!!!

    My 4th cohort graduated from Prime today! Woot! They've been so amazing, and I'm going to miss seeing them so much. But I'm so excited to see where life takes them from here!

  • Summer Gifts

    It's graduation week for my Atbash cohort at Prime, so presents for everyone! OK, "presents" not really related, but Martin's now got a new mower, and he got me an awesome Mikasa figure from Attack on Titan.

  • June Already?!

    A lot has been done to catch everyone up on... We have new windows and the basement is all torn out and the dumpster gone. The trees have leafed out and the garden is filling out nicely too!

  • Spring is Here!

    We've been taking it relatively easy on projects the last two weeks, but it's not like nothing has been happening. We've got another dumpster and have started the basement flooring & bathroom tear out. There are also little projects here and there too.

  • Finishing touches

    We're wrapping things up, finally, with all the move-in remodel work. We've finished the floors, painted, unpacked, and even hung up some art. Good. I'm ready to rest and recover for a bit!

  • Stairs!!!

    I came home to a surprise today. We have fancy stairs now!

  • Clothes in the Closet!

    At long last, the work on our bedroom closet is finished, and our clothes have been unpacked and hung. It's a little cramped and there's no light, but it's hard to care. I'm just so happy to have all my clothes back!!!
