Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

My Latest Adventure

Paxos Graduation

Woot! Paxos has officially graduated! Bird up!

It was so awesome to celebrate with them for the first time in person today out at Gold Medal park in downtown Minneapolis. It was also so hard to believe that was the first time we’ve all met in person. Of course after 20 weeks of intense online learning together it’s hardly surprising that they’re just as close as any of my in-person cohorts.

Paxos together in the park.

Graduation itself was later in the afternoon and quite the adventure it was! We got a K-Pop dance performance as well as a poetry recital! It was pretty awesome! They definitely ensured that the Paxokeets would not be forgotten.

Paxos Zoom Graduation.

I was also gifted a little mix kit with some fresh lemon, lime and vodka. Woot! Thanks Ross! Seems I have at least a little mixology talent. This made for a lovely evening.

My vodka-lime graduation drink.

Previous Adventures

  • Paxos Client Presentations

    Woot! My Paxos Cohort presented their client projects today. An overall amazing job. They worked really hard on these, and pushed through many a challenge along the way. Both the projects and the presentations were awesome. Now its just the rush to graduation on Friday. Bird up!

  • Finally! A New Fridge

    The big event of this week was the arrival of my new fridge. Considering it was around Memorial Day when I ordered it, and after Labor Day when it finally arrived, I was happy to have it here at last. Woot!

  • Holiday Weekend

    Woot! Three day weekend... Even if it seems a little less cool, since it's still just another day at home. Still I had a great weekend.

  • September?! New Music

    Wow... I can't believe it is September, though I see the leaves starting to change and have needed blankets to keep the windows open.

  • Miyavi Virtual Live

    Woot! Despite covid, or maybe even because of, I got to see my current fav musician, Miyavi, perform live from Tokyo! So awesome!!!!

  • More Catini & Prime Updates

    Well, the weekend was pretty laid back, so it's mostly Animal Crossing news here... O'Hare has decided to sail for new adventures. Oh, darn. We all pretended to be sad, but really weren't all that disappointed.

  • Animal Crossing & Prime Updates

    Woo-hoo! So my brother got the Switch must faster than anticipated, and they've been enjoying Animal Crossing (among other things) all weekend too! It takes a lot to beat that, but as icing on the cake, my Paxos cohort presented their awesome solo projects this morning too. Woot!!!
