Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

My Latest Adventure

Rediscovering the Switch

Recently I’ve rediscovered my Switch… not that it was lost, just somewhat forgotten. I thought maybe a little console gaming might spark some joy in my world, so I picked up Animal Crossing - New Horizons. It’s become something of a daily ritual now. I totally dig the virtual island life.

So what got me so hooked on this game you might ask… Well for starters, there’s no “win”, its a light sort of builder game, you get to plan and build up your own island paradise. However it’s also a little social simulator too, as there are other animal islanders that come to live there too, each with their own likes, dislikes and quirks.

On top of that though, the part I really though was just amazingly awesome is the island museum. You make money by catching bugs, fishing, and resource gathering. But if you donate items to the museum, you also gradually build up this really awesome place to go and enjoy nature and check out dinosaurs fossils. I can already tell this will become an obsession… Must collect them all!

The owl, Blathers, that runs the place is also pretty cute. He’s has quite the dislike for bugs, so donating one is always fun. It’s even more fun to ask him to tell you about the bug you donate. ^.^

He always offers to tell you cool stuff about the critter you donate, making it mildly educational too.

'How does a scallop know when a predator approaches?' you ask. Why it has 200 eyes to see with!

'Good old Diplodocus--what would we do without you? This stout fellow embodied all teh best in dinosaurs.

I love that little bit of cute and witty humor in the dialog. It just makes the game seem well thought out and fun. I was particularly fond of the manilla clam pun. Gives me fond memories of my last Prime cohort, Dijkstra…

I got a manilla clam! Manilla is my favorite flavor of clam!

I will admit though that when you’ve picked up 100s of sea stars and constantly see “maybe it’ll give me an autograph”, it does start to get a little old.

This game totally made me want to share the joy of the Nintendo Switch with my nieces, so I bit the bullet and paid the extra $ to buy one off amazon to send to them. UGH!!! I hate that everyone is sold out and so people mark them up online. EVIL! However I also had to admit if I went out to get one here I’d just have to pay more to ship it and then insure it, and well that didn’t really make up the cost, but did make me feel a small bit better about it. Hopefully they’ll get it by the end of the month… So can’t wait!!!

Previous Adventures

  • Almost August?!

    I've had a pretty quiet few weeks here...

  • Arboretum Visit

    Saturday I paid a visit to the MN Landscape Arboretum with Richard. It was only partially open, but we had a good time. I've also got my kitchen sink back! Woot!!!

  • Happy Independence Day!

    With the holiday, my vacation week is coming to an end, but it's been a great week. My kitchen is not quite where I had hoped, but it is a good deal further along. The more important thing is that I've had some time to rest and rejuvenate a bit.

  • New Appliances! Half of them anyway...

    Two steps forward and one back. The new range and dishwasher are here. Woot!!! However the new fridge and microwave that should have been here today are still backordered through the end of July.

  • The Kitchen Has Countertops!

    The kitchen is another step closer! My new countertops were installed today! Woot!!!

  • New Kitchen Floor!

    The kitchen is two steps further along...

  • Paxos Classroom Start

    My 8th Prime cohort Paxos started full-time today! Woot!!!
