Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

My Latest Adventure

February Already?!

I feel like time just keeps sneaking by me. It doesn’t help that I’ve been so busy at work and home, or that I’ve just been so generally stressed out and frazzled. But the change from one month to the next always makes me realize that passage of time in a way that the day to day doesn’t.

I was sick for the better part of the weekend. I woke up Thursday feeling stuffy and with a bit of a sore throat, but managed to pull it all together with some cold meds and made it through the day. I really wanted to see my current class get their group project scope documents together and ready for their clients, but I also had my first online classes with the new upcoming cohort. It made for a later night, but that also allowed me to see some of my Atbash & Menkar alumni who are now mentoring. Woot!

By bedtime though, I was really feeling the cold coming on, but the kitties were determined to help me stay warm and feel better.

Kyo and Fred keeping me warm.

I ended up home sick Friday. I slept pretty well overnight, thanks to some NyQuil, but had trouble getting back to sleep after feeding the cats in the morning. So I just sat on the couch, enjoying the daylight, and watching the light snow fall out the window. It was so pretty out there… the falling snow doesn’t really come through in the pictures though.

Frontyard in the snow.

Backyard in the snow.

I slept for most of Friday afternoon, watched the rest of The Dragon Prince in the evening, and then went back to bed.

I managed to sleep in a bit on Saturday, then the cats roused me for breakfast by puking on the bed. Ugh… Those were my new sheets, cat!!! So I ended up doing laundry too.

In the afternoon, we got our monthly Prime cat litter delivery, and with it came a new kitty surprise - silvervine sticks. It is supposed to work much like catnip, but it gives them something more substantial to chew on. It also doesn’t make quite the same mess all over the floor. ^.^ They seemed to dig it, but it didn’t quite get them to the same levels of kitty-high.

Kyo was wisely posessive of his stick. Kyo guarding his silvervine stick.

Fred wasn’t as careful and let it roll out of reach. Fred managed to roll his out of reach.

Of course that meant Abby moved in. Notice she brought hers over and now has two. Abby stole Fred's silvervine.

I heard the sticks rolling around on the floor all night, so they clearly had fun with it. Three paws up?

That brings me to Sunday morning which I started with blueberry pancakes for breakfast - pretty good, but slightly burnt. Martin was the pancake king. I guess I’ll learn…

The kitties have been enjoying the cat litter delivery box. I was fortunate enough to catch the brief moment where it housed both Abby and Fred.

Abby and Fred in an amazon box.

I’ve been watching the flurry of birds at the bird feeder while sipping some tea. It’s been quite the show this morning. We’ve had a pair of cardinals, a pair of nuthaches, some cute little things with red chests that I looked up once and forgot, some similar ones with brownish-yellow chests, and a right proper storm of chicadees. Not to mention the pair of squirrls that keep racing across the tree then back across the deck and out into the yard. I do love this place for that.

One of the cardinals at the feeder.

One of the nuthatches and red-chested birds.

I’ve been stalling here with blog updates. Somehow it’s after noon already! I said I was going to work on my taxes today, but it looks rather glorious outside…

Previous Adventures

  • Sad Decisions

    A while ago I mentioned Martin's been staying at his dad's place... Well, it's more than that. He's moved back in there, and we've decided to move ahead with making this split official. I haven't wanted to make our private lives public, so I'm not going to hash out all our woes here. However I'm also not going to try to hide this or pretend it isn't happening anymore either.

  • Adventures

    This last week for me was amazingly busy, with lots of late nights and things to do. The weekend was it's own bit of adventure, with a little bit of fun and a little bits of challenge.

  • Basement Update

    My basement family room area now has an insulated floor! Woot!

  • Winter Storm

    The big news everyone in MN has talking about the last few days is the weather. We called it an early day Friday with the snow fall starting around noon and continuing through the night.

  • Catching upn on Star War & Netflix

    I was invited out to see the latest Star Wars movie, *The Rise of Skywalker* over the weekend, which put me into a bit of a bind. I wanted to go, __*but*__ I hadn't seen the previous movie and barely remembered the first of the trilogy. So I resolved to catch myself up in time to go and be somewhat up to date on things. Glad I did, but what a mess!

  • New Year's

    Happy New Year all! This pretty much wraps up the holidays for me. No more working from home, snuggling with the kitties. I'm back in the office the rest of the week, and class starts again Monday.

  • Christmas

    Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you had a wonderful holiday! I started Christmas morning off listening to the Moscow Choir singing the Kiev Chrimas Liturgy, sipping some spicy citrus chai tea, and opening the gifts Christy sent me home with.
