Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Review of Love and Will

Book Info

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Love and Will by Rolo May

Published: September 1, 1969

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Reading History

I've read this book once. My last read was October 8, 2019 to October 30, 2019.


There are bits of this that I could relate to and understand, but this is not a subject where I have much prior knowledge. It’s a long book, and it comes across as very academic, making it a tougher read. I’m also not old enough to have a historical perspective on the 60’s so the stories & analogies that would perhaps had helped pull me in, had no meaning for me. Despite all this, there were concepts and ideas that I could relate to and take something away from. So while I think I could have pulled more from this with a better understanding of his era and more of a background in psychology, this was not entirely unapproachable.

I ended up needing to return this to the library with the last 100 or so pages unread, but there is consistent repetition and building on earlier ideas and concepts as the book progresses, as well as some previewing of ideas that will be flushed out in more depth later. Despite not finishing (though I did skim through the end), I don’t feel like I really missed anything as much of the detail was lost on me anyway.