Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Review of Norse Mythology

Book Info

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Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

Published: February 7, 2017

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Reading History

I've read this book once. My last read was December 5, 2019 to December 10, 2019.


This was awesome. I love mythology, and I love the Gaiman’s ability to tell a story. Here you mix the two together and wow, this is the best book of mythology I’ve read. Usually you just get stories that are related, but not interconnected. Unless you already know all the characters and how they interrelate you can become very quickly lost in all the names and relationships.

I only knew Norse mythology 2nd hand prior to reading this. Things that pop up in pop culture - books, TV, movies, and games. This gave me a chance to clear things up and sort out some of the authentic stories of these Norse gods & goddesses from the tacked-on and twisted. On top of that though, it was just laid out as an awesome story. We get a little bit of the beginning of things, and we are walked through to the end - literally the birth of the gods to their death.

Seriously, very well done. I borrowed this from the library, but I loved it so much I’ll be getting a copy for my own bookshelf.