Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Final Fantasy VII Remake

WOOT!!! At long last, the Final Fantasy VII Remake is in my hands! It’s been years now since I initially pre-ordered this. I have waited so long to play it. Stay at home? Sure, I can do that!

Final Fantasy VII Remake Case

Just for the record, some work was done on the house today, but not a lot. Martin came over to help out, we did a bit of trim work, but mostly just hung out, talked, had some food, and watched some more of The Mandalorian. It was a snowy, lazy day, so you can’t blame us.

Snowy front view

I even got Martin to play a bit of Final Fantasy, which was cool to watch, but I can see it’s not his thing. Ah well… More game time for me. Guess I better wrap this up then… ^.^