Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

JPop Kick

I’ve been on a music kick lately, specifically a JPop kick, after seeing that Miyavi released a new album Holy Nights on 4/22.

This lead me to spend more time on YouTube watching videos than I want to admit. What can I say, one thing lead to another, and I was off on a spiral of discovery.

My new favorite is the WagakkiBand. I had seen them before, but this video randomly popped up for me in the sidebar, and I was 100% sold. By that I mean I went to dig up their previous albumns on amazon to buy ‘em all up. So hooked! I could listen to them forever!

Seriously, everytime I hear this I get goosebumps. So amazing, and their other stuff is just as awesome though minus the orchestra. ^.^ They’ve got a great range of music, but I love the pop mix with the traditional instruments.

I then got pulled into learning more about some other bands from which I had heard a song or two, but really knew nothing about. One of those was X Japan. A while back a few of their songs Endless Rain and Silent Jealousy came up on some streaming radio. I managed to record them and add them into my mostly anime theme music collection without really thinking too much about it. I have adored them both for years, but never bothered to try and learn more about the band or find any of their other music. Then this video of it came up on YouTube…

Holy shit! They are amazing! Dude on the piano, who I now know is Yoskiki and also the band’s drummer, is absolutely AMAZING! Not to mention I adore their lead Toshi’s voice, which is so full of emotion! Then there’s the guitars - hide & Pata rock!!! I spent the rest of a night watching more videos and then I discovered there was a documentary made about them, We are X, from 2016 which I was able to watch on Tubi: We Are X. Again, 100% sold… Give me all of their music please!

This lead me down a historical journey of discovery looking up other artists that I had happened acrossed and liked. Some other random finds that I had for years were l’arc~en~ciel Spirit Dreams Inside, Hyde Season’s Call, and Vamps World’s End. While I knew I liked them all, I was quite surprised to learn that the lead for all three songs is the same artist, Hyde. This of course lead me into looking up some of his stuff…

He’s changed his look and style of music quite a bit over the years, but I’m diggin all of it. What do I mean? Compare the above to this.

Well enough of that for now… but seriously I’ve gone down quite the spiral here. I will say though the running lunch time dance party in the house is making it ever so much easier to enjoy being cooped up at home. ^.^

Oh! This week I also refreshed the hair a bit. It was long overdue. I had actually planned to get it professionally done, but well, Covid. So instead I cleaned up the roots myself and added a fresh splash of pink. Woot!

Freshly bleached & pinked hair

Fortunately I still had some bleach. That’s the last of my pink though. I guess, I’ll have to start looking online. Perhaps I’ll consider another color for the next time… Miyavi blue?