Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Spring Weather

Well, I finally feel like Spring is really here! The weather the last few days has been great, and finally today I got out to really enjoy it. Finished up work and went out to kick back in the hammock.

Kicked back in the hammock

The colors are beautiful. I love the contrast in the fresh greens and the blue sky.

Backyard garden and fire pit area

With the warming weather, the bird feeder has been a hit with some new guests.

Backyard garden and fire pit area American Goldfinch

Backyard garden and fire pit area House Finch (I think?)

Some guests were more startling than others… I heard quacking this moring, and sure enough when I looked out the window there were ducks! There’s no water close to the house, at least not any that I’ve seen… but there are ducks.

lovely Mallard couple strolling through my backyard Mallard Ducks!

Mom said I need to get a kiddie pool for them.

Martin is planning on coming by this weekend so he could pack up his remaining stuff, including the basement tools, and then rent a truck to cart it all off. On the one hand, this is great, as there’s a pile of stuff in the middle of the basement where I’d like to finish painting. On the other hand, I’ll probably be missing those tools as I get around to finishing the floor and kitchen remodel.