Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Holiday Weekend

Woot! Three day weekend… Even if it seems a little less cool, since it’s still just another day at home. Still I had a great weekend.

Thursday I hit a 100 day Duoling streak, so things were off to a great start.

100 days on Duolingo.

Friday over lunch I discovered my new floor cushions that had been sitting out there at my door unnoticed for the last week. Good thing I got 4 of them.

Kitties enjoying the extra cushions.

I also got cute new little kitty mugs. They’re super cute and match some dishes I’ve been picking up here and there.

Tabby kitty mug

Kyo tried so hard to fit into the little mug box, but had to be satisfied with sitting on the lid with a paw in one of the squares.

Kyo didn't fit in the box.

Christy & I enjoyed a bit of Punch pizza after work on Friday. As always it was great to hang out and catch up. Perfect start to the holiday.

I got to have a nice lazy Saturday. It was nice to sleep in a bit. I had the left over pizza for breakfast and spent the morning lazing about Catini in Animal Crossing. I had a super tasty late lunch, squeezed in a nap before kitty dinner, and spent the evening catching up on some anime. Woot!

I also got in some nostalgia time in an old 90’s JRPG I picked up on sale on the Switch a few wees ago. I forgot how much fun it is! I do love the silly old graphics…

Saga 2 Intro

Dave and I did a little grilling on Sunday. Green Egg burger victory. I might be getting pretty good at this. ^.^ I followed that up with a little evening driveway chat with Grant. He tempted me with the fire pit, but it was a little warm and windy for that. So we just spent the evening sitting outside enjoying the weater and catching up.

Who would have thought that the next day the temperatures would drop so much!!! Monday was cold, mid-50’s! Left the windows open overnight and woke up to quite the shock as I crawled out of bed. I was bound and determined not to turn on the heat, so I closed the windows and bundled into warm clothes and blankets.

Great weather for spending time bundled on the couch gaming. I promised myself I would not game all of Monday away, but I failed. I totally got sucked into Animal Crossing. The morning started with snooty Snooty, asking for advice on potentially looking for fresh adventures on another island. Initial reaction was “WOOT!!! Please do”, but then I started feeling guilty.

Then I got together with one of my nieces, and discovered that O’Hare is now living on their island. How cool is that! He even said he came from Catini. That made me feel a little better. Perhaps Snooty will make her new home with them as well? Anyhow, we had loads of fun as touring each other around the islands. She taught me some nifty tricks too! I now have a money tree growing on Catini! Woot! If only I could pull that off in my actual back garden…