Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

2nd Week of Vacation

The 2nd week of my vacation fell a little flat. By Wed afternoon, I was sick, with a very slight fever, and that lingered through Saturday. While it never got bad and it was probably just a stress cold, I was of course a bit Covid paranoid, though not enough to motivate myself to actually get out and tested. However, just to be safe I’m isolating at home anyway. It is a bit of an unfortunate way to end my vacation.

One thing I did want to do while I was more of less incapable of anything more strenuous than sitting around streaming or surfing the web, was to pull together some links that I had hoped to share with some folks around some issues that have been hot topics lately. I didn’t have them handy before, but I managed to turn up two of them out of my history yesterday…

The election here has a lot of conversations revolving more around perceptions and feelings more so that researched facts, so hopefully these can help put some solid data into those conversations.

Back at work today, but my kitty assistants are here on standby to help me make my way through it all. Kitties helping me work