Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from Hello Kitty Mary! Hello Kitty Mary

I know… It’s a little lame, but hey, I put it together in less than an hour, and most of that time was spent finding the pink ribbon after cleaning the junk room, which now has no junk. ^.^

Perhaps the Paxokeet onesie (from my last cohort Paxos with their Parakeet mascot), I got from my Paxos alumni at happy hour on Friday is more fitting. Note the little plushie budgie too! Paxokeet Mary

Kyo also got a gift from my Paxokeets, though I threatened to fight him for it, he’s clearly won. It’s a Fruits Basket Kyo (his namesake) throw blanket. Kyo cat on his Fruits Basket Kyo throw

Outside of the Halloween & happy hour fun here, I’ve been continuing the cleanup spree. Martin was over last weekend to help me to remove the bookshelf bed. It was awesome, but I finally decided that I needed to stop sleeping in our bed if I was going to really move forward here alone. So now it’s waiting in the garage for him to find a spot to keep it. It was his handy work, so it’ll be good for him to have it.

To replace it, I’ve moved the futon in from downstairs, and so far am liking the firmer futon matress. It’s been great for my back, and keeps me sleeping on it more too. futon bedroom with desk I also moved in the L-shaped glass desk from the office as a non-work study space. I’m bound and determined to make some Japanese progress over the winter, so let’s see if getting out of the work work space helps.

Oh this is a great time to mention 150 days of DuoLingo! 150 day Duolingo streak

I updated my office with a better desk setup, thanks to the addition of a super-widescreen monitor New standing desk setup I also brought in the little futon that previously lived in my old office, aka ex-junkroom. It’s kyo’s new favorite snooze spot throughout the work day. little-futon

I’ve also no longer got a junk room. It’s a guest room in-progress! empty room with extra mattress

My last update to share is that I’ve finally made it back to kyudo practice, after being gone for over a month now. I’ve abandoned the idea of going on Wed evening after work, as it was just getting too stressful. It’s hard enough to wrapup work on-time and eating dinner in-time to head out, but it’s been even more difficult of late to get Kyo to eat his dinner in a timely fashion. So instead I’ve signed up for their fall class on Saturdays in St. Louis Park. Woot!

I also got to have a long overdue catchup with Dave today, who invited me over to his place this time for an awesome BBQ dinner from Baker’s Ribs. It’s been ages since I’ve eatten there now that I’m not working out at HTC in Eden Prairie. However the BBQ was just as marvelous as I remembered.

Well, to wrapup, the election and my birthday are almost here… I have only one wish for my birthday: please let the 4 years of President Trump end now.