Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

More BTS

So, I know, y’all are tired of my BTS talk. I get it, it gets old if you’re just not into it. BUT they are just so awesome!

So what’s got me singing their praises here again today? This might sound a little odd, but I never bothered to consider what they were actually singing before. I mean it’s in Korean right, and while it might be fun to learn, it’s not top of my list. So as I found myself singing and dancing along to Black Swan this morning I decided to look up the translation. It totally blew me away with it’s depth.

First, if you haven’t seen their video for this, check it out, as they are totally awesome dancers & performers, and the video shows that all off quite well.

Now, check out the lyrics and translation: Genius Lyrics - BTS Black Swan.

It’s said that this song was inspired by a quote from Martha Graham:

A dancer dies twice – once when they stop dancing, and this first death is the more painful

Damn! How old are these kids?! Seems pretty deep for such young’uns! (I looked it up, and they’re slightly older than I would have guessed, ranging from 23-28, but given they’ve been together 7+ years makes sense.)

This of course has started me down a rabbit-hole of lyrics translation, and I’ve found real depth there. While I generally see it as upbeat, positive and uplifting, it’s also nice to see there’s still bits of darkness and shadow mixed in.

Another of their earlier songs that grabbed me was Fake Love.

It comes across initially as someone pretending to be someone they aren’t really to keep a romance going. Yet some have also said that it is about how they have to have be their stage selves and always put on a mask for the public. Genius Lyrics - BTS Fake Love

Somehow all of their stuff manages to come across as real and genuine. Whether it is or isn’t really doesn’t matter. Their music, videos, and other thoroughly YouTubed antics have been the perfect medicine for my 2020.

Here’s my other current favorite, Zero O’Clock, which again I loved before I knew what they were saying, but love even more having looked it up. (Actually I hadn’t seen this video before either, but <3 <3 <3! It’s a fan vid, but hits the feel nicely.)

BTS has said:

“Zero O’Clock” is a time when everything is reset, ready to start again. The song delivers comfort for the everyday life and the hope that a better day will come even if nothing dramatic happens.

The mood is so fitting for the song. You can feel the meaning without understanding the words. (Though, feel free to peek at the actual meaning, Genius Lyrics - BTS Zero O’Clock.)

Now that I’ve once again stayed up past my bedtime lost in BTS, I hope you can share just a little of my love and appreciation for these amazing artists. <3