Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer


Merry Christmas all! If nothing else it means 2020 is almost behind us. Woot!

So how did I spend my first holiday break 4-day weekend? Well, for the Christmas Eve, I was pretty determined not to totally slack off and I defined that by basically not getting dressed. It was mostly an excuse to snuggle into the warm blankets with the cats and spend the day reading a book. That was a success, though a slight (but humorous) disappointment to my mom who wanted me to video chat with the fam. I did accomplish the goal of finishing the book, and taking a nap bonus, by dinner time no less, which leaves me with 3 more to finish before the end of the year to hit my 2020 reduced covid reading goal. I also finally got around to bleaching out at least 2 inches of roots, and de-blued my hair. It was a good excuse for the much needed shower.

For Christmas, I got out and removed the MN blizzard snow from my driveway which I couldn’t be bothered to do the previous day as it would have required pants. I made a tasty breakfast from some grilling leftovers, then decided to take the first stab at silver-greying the hair. It’s shampoo on, so it didn’t do too much more that tone out the rest of the golden hues. Hit the fitness boxing early, then started another book, which I may only finish from boredom and to hit that darn goal. (It’s not really doing it for me, but isn’t awful.) The make-up video call with the fam was planned for after their dinner, so I mulled some wine & paired it up with some pomegranate & cheese for my own little holiday feast. I also discovered some BTS Christmas videos posted on Twitter, which were totally the Christmas gift I didn’t know I wanted. I want Jimmin’s hair color… We’ll have to see if my silver grey will go that dark.

This was also my 202nd day of Duolingo. Woot! 202 days of Duolingo

Oh! I also totally ordered myself a Christmas dragon, or perhaps we can call it a you survived 2020 gift. (Knock on wood… Hopefully I did not just jinx myself…) Japanese Dragon

That got me to the weekend. Woot! It felt like it was time to be at work again, but really it was the start of the weekend! I should do this more often, or we should have more holidays! Anyhow, my biggest goal every year for the day after Christmas is just not to go out. It’s the same idea as the day after Thanksgiving. One should avoid the madness of post holiday shopping at all costs. Maybe that wasn’t be a thing this year, but either way, I was perfectly content snuggled in at home.

Kyo enjoyed the day of lounging too. He found the warm spot by couch on the heater vent. Warm Kyo

Saturday was spent mainly snuggled into the warm bed with another book. It was one that a freebie a while back as a Kindle First. I hadn’t actually intended to read it, but it was there and I did need another book. It was a romance of a sort about a woman who fell in love with Beethoven. Wouldn’t have been my first choice, but it was a decent read. That only leaves two more books for my goal. Woot!

Sunday was spent much more out of bed, mostly on some map making. I started by reworking a map I had made a while ago, but wasn’t entirely happy with. Of course at the end of the day, I wasn’t happy with this one either. I think there’s promise in the core of it, but sometimes I just over work it. I’ll let it sit a bit, and then give it another go. To end the day I also made a delicious mushroom ramen for dinner. It was a good solid end to the long weekend.

Back to work for a few more days, then I can do it all over again for New Years. Woot!