Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

New Year's Eve

Yay for the end of 2020! I hope that 2021 is a much cheerier year!

Had a rather uneventful 3-day week at work, though we did finish up some stuff which did make for a great way to end the work year. However I woke up Wednesday morning to a wretched headache. I wouldn’t quite call it migraine bad, but I suspected it was going to get worse. I can’t say for sure, but I suspect it had something to do with getting overly involved in my work, working late, and not drinking much water (or anything for that matter) the previous night.

I managed to tone it down with some Advil to get working, and managed to make it through a busy day of 1-1’s with my students. Fortunately they’re fun to talk with, and were a pleasant distraction from the nagging ache. It was so nice to see their faces again. I missed them! (They’re on a 2 week break for the holidays.) By the late afternoon though, the headache was getting worse and I dropped off a bit early to call it a day and head to bed. Boo!

Woke up the next morning with little improvement, so I fed the cats, took another round of Advil, drank a glass of water, and went back to bed. Woke up again around five when Martin called. We talked for a bit, which was both sad and nice. I really miss our little holidays together, and it’s hard to believe it’s been a year now. My head was feeling a bit better, so I got up and fed the cats and made myself some green tea soba noodles. (I’ll take all the good luck I can for the new year.)

I spent a little time chatting with my other friends as well, then one mentioned turning on some tunes to do some cleaning. I had intended to do that, but then slept most of the day, but decided that I could still get some cleaning done. Kitchen first, as it was getting cluttered. Counters cleared and cleaned, window clean, cabinets & appliances wiped down, stovetop cleaned. Woot!

clean kitchen

Tidied up the bedroom and put on different sheets (vs just washing the old and putting them back) to change up the mood.

clean bedroom

Kyo was trying to help with putting away the towels… Kyo in the towel drawer

I managed to get the laundry in and most of the upstairs cleaned up, before my parents called around 10. Then got the rest of it finished up just in time to do my round of boxing, shower, and then settle in with some treats for the New Year’s count down.

Kyo & Abby were trying to steal my treats! Kyo & Abby stealing treats!

I don’t really TV, so I watched the count down to the new year in Animal Crossing.

Animal crossing new years

Happy New Year, everyone!