Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

February Updates

I haven’t updated in a while, so I guess I should catch up on some things…

It was called out that not only have I not updated the blog in a while, but I sounded a bit down and sad. Well, I was… I’m not sure that I saw it coming either. The last month or two now has been really rough. I’m not really at a point to process that all here on the blog, but it’s been busy and there’s been more than an average amount of stress of late.

My cohort’s graduation, and the start of the next cohort here today, gives me a chance to kinda start over in the work world. It also gives a nice opportunity to take some time off. Woot! Looking forward to taking Wed-Fri off for a super long weekend. Hopefully that will give me some time to de-stress and process some of the things that I haven’t really had time to think through yet.

I’m now thinking pretty seriously about selling my house and at least for the short-term getting an apartment in or near downtown St. Paul again. I want to finish up a little more of the work we started on the house before I put it up for sale. Specifically I want to spiffy up the upstairs bathroom a bit, as it really stands out as crappy right now. Then, I need to finish the trim upstairs in the kitchen & bath and likely touch-up some of the paint in a few other places.

The basement needs a lot more love, so I really need to think about how much to do there. I need to do something for the flooring and the fireplace. There’s also a lot of trim work that needs done. I try not to think about the bathroom, but it’s the big sore spot right now as it’s totally torn out. Ugh…

I WOK Asian Cuisine egg roll

Anyhow, the thought is that I’ll get started on that over the upcoming time off. We’ll see I guess. In the mean time, I’m enjoying some awesome egg rolls from I WOK in Burnsville via Door Dash. Woot! Sometimes it’s the little things in life that matter, and these egg rolls rock. They’re also HUGE.