Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Spring in the air!

The weather has been great the last week. Spring is in the air, at least for now. We all know it’ll likely disappear any moment, so we’re making the most of it while we can. It’ll almost be 60 on Sunday!!!

It’s been nice to crack the windows open here over the last few days and get some fresh air, though it’s also likely run up my heating bill… It’s not that nice yet, but after a brutal below zero cold snap, we’re living it up while it’s in the 40-50s here.

I haven’t really gotten out or anything though. I’m still enjoying being a home-body, though it was nice to run the garbage out without putting on a coat. I was outside in a T-Shirt!!! That was way cool. I’m also aiming to do the first bit of 2021 grilling with Martin & Dave this weekend. I’m super excited for that.

With the weather out of the way, I guess I can update a few other nifty things in my life. I’m feeling a bit better overall. It’s hard not to with more sunshine, daylight and fresh air. But not a lot has really changed. I did not get any work started on the house over my time off last week. However I did get to relax, play some games, listen to music, and just focus some things that I enjoy. That was really sweet.

I had some good kitty time on the couch that was much over due. Watched some movies and Netflix TV. I watched a little series called The Queen’s Gambit, got in a few more episodes of Terrace House, and watched the movie The Yin Yang Master. I really enjoyed The Queen’s Gambit, though I’m not sure it was enough to watch another season…

These aren’t couch pics, but I’m sure you’re feeling some kitty pic withdrawl…

Kyo in a box on the kitchen counter

Fred sitting on my gift box with Abby in the background

I got some sweet gifts from some of my students, which not only entertained the cats above, but me as well. I have been getting infinite joy from my new BTS socks that came with an awesome box of interesting snack foods. There were also some fun sheet masks with designs on them. Super cute!

BTS socks, Korean sheet masks & snacks

The socks are so awesome!!! I’ve been fan girling all week with a different pair each day. With 7 days in the week and 7 BTS members it’s perfect, and maybe it will get me to do the laundry regularly each week!

BTS Jimin Socks BTS Suga Socks

I also spent some time last week converting a project for the kyudo folks from postgres to mysql. It was fun to get to do some coding again, and I haven’t used mysql in ages. I figured it would take a few hours total, but it took me that long just to get mysql installed and everything running. >.< D’oh!!! That’s what I get for not tripling my estimates!

I had great support from the kitty boys as I worked though. How could you not want to keep going with scenes like this to support you?

Fred and Kyo snuggling to share the pillow.

It doesn’t look comfy, but they were like that for almost 40 minutes!!!

I also got to have a little musical fun last week with my new lyre. It’s pretty sweet!!! I’m actually pretty excited to learn to play a little. See if I can finally manage a stringed instrument. I can run up and down a C scale… That’s a good start, right?


I was too excited to try it out when it first came. It was cold from being outside, and I knew I should wait for it to warm up to try it. But I was impatient and tried to tune it to play a little and broke a string. So the first thing I had to do was learn to replace one. Thank goodness it came with a replacement set!!! I’ve been much more careful with it since.

Christy and I were also chatting about cat toys the other day, and how sad it was that Kyo lost his little saftey beaver. It’s probably hidden somewhere, but it’s been missing for many weeks now. While talking with Christy, I decided to get online and order him another one. But then I saw amazon had sold out of them?! What would poor Kyo do without a safety beaver? Christy had me look on Chewy, where fortunately they still had some, so I got him 6 of them just to be safe! I also ended up adding in some squirrels and hedgehogs for fun, and to get the free shipping. Woot?!

Guess I shouldn’t be the only one with gifts, and they were so very happy with them when they arrived. (They are hollow and get filled with catnip.)

Kyo with the squirrel

Kyo & Fred with the new toys

Before you ask, Abby was snoozing and couldn’t be bothered at first. She eventually made her way out, but really just wanted the catnip. A practical lady she is.