Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

End of May?!!

So it’s pretty much the end of May and I’m just kinda getting things together here to post again. I’m not gonna lie, for some reason this has been a tough month. The bathroom is still where it was at the end of April, and many little goals are still dangling out there just out of reach…

The combination of the rain and the heat has made for a rather depressing spring. It’s had the cats all zonked out for much of the last few weeks. This is what I see most days while I’m working… It’s not super inspirational - at least for anything other than napping.

All 3 cats zonked out while I work

Did something happen? No and yes. No tragedy or life altering event, just a slow MN spring that turned into summer before I had a chance to enjoy it, and the continued uncertainty of the Covid-bound world. I do love my work from home job, BUT I really want to get back to meeting friends in the wild. To have breakfast - ah, the lemon ricotta pancakes - at Jensen’s again in the busy fullness of it all. It’s been much harder to keep trouping as we transition from winter pretty directly into summer.

I got the 2nd vaccine shot over lunch today, and while my arm is super sore, I’m so glad to be on the road to feeling free again. I’ve already got plans 2 weeks out to reconnect with some long unseen friends. Woot!!!

The cold spring got me looking at what it might take to pick up and move somewhere more pleasant year round, and that’s left me feeling a little up-rooted. I’ve toyed with the idea of everything from SC/NC to OR/WA to HI and have even considered remote work in Japan. I’m relatively loosly bound at this point, and would love to at least have less winter and more spring/fall. I’ve got a pull to try out Santa Fe, NM which could be interesting in its own ways, but my current fav is somewhere along the coast of Oregon. Those ocean views and the green… sigh…

I did manage to snag a bunch of the lilacs last week, just before they (like my crabappple blossoms) faded much too fast. They (both the crabapple & lilac) only lingered for about a week before they were gone.

a makeshift vase of lilacs

I’ve got a renewed goal to finish up the bathroom & kitchen trim work with an aim to sell the house before the end of summer. However, it is a little harder to think of leaving as I write this on the heavenly shaded deck. It was a bit muggy out in the wild earlier, but back here it’s beautiful.

Hanging out on the deck

And of course there is Butter to keep my spirits up. Thank you to BTS and all the other artists who’ve been so vital to keeping my spirits up over the last more than a year now. Let’s not say how many times I’ve streamed this (and the other 2 versions) of this video since their releases…