Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Basement Update

My basement family room area now has an insulated floor! Woot!

Martin came by Sunday to help me finish up the work we had started a few weeks ago. We had a strip down the hallway, but the other strip needed cutting for each piece so that was a bit slow going. Once that was done, the rest of it came together pretty quickly.

The only really nasty part was what to do with the door from the hallway into the laundry & mechanical room. I may run flooring into at least some of that space later on, so I wanted to have the pieces in the doorway ready to potentially continue that. That meant the door needed to be raised, which was a little scary; we haven’t had a lot of luck with smooth door installs. However this one actually went really well. We got it out, trimmed it, and put it back without much trouble at all. I was really impressed.

Left side of basement with sub-floor.

Right side of basement with sub-floor.

There’s a bit of the hallway into the stairwell to finish, as well as the spot going into the downstairs bedroom (which has the same door issue). I think there should be enough flooring left to finish it. I’ve got my fingers crossed on that. However the next step will be to clean that room up, as it is currently storage central. Perhaps the cleanup can happen next weekend.