Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Week 4

So this now our 4th week stay at home and remote work. Woot? I’m happy that things aren’t worse than they are, but what a state of the world. I’m glad that at least April has brought us some nice weather, but it seems that it’s windows open one day and freezing rain the next here. Boo!

Last week the kitties got a new cat tree. I thought that might help keep them out of my hair while I’m working from home. It’s been quite a success too.

Abby, Kyo & Fred checking out the cat tree.

Best part is that it cost me less than $80. Christy pointed me to the cat trees on, and I got this one: Frisco 72-in Large Base Faux Fur Cat Tree & Condo. They absolutely love it and even play with the dangling toys, which I did not expect at all. I totally recommend it. I’m strongly considering getting a few more of them for other spots in the house.

I decided to take this last weekend off home projects, but made a small exception to get the last of my baseboard heaters installed. The basement is quite cozy now. Woot! Martin came by to help out again on Sunday, and then we also got my futon put together down there too. I’ve been waiting over a year to get that matress off the floor. Now it’s warm too, and I’ve got an extra nap spot which gets some great afternoon sun.

Afterwards we had some Costco Enchilada Bake for lunch and watched the first Indiana Jones with two chaser episodes of The Mandalorian. It was kinda funny to watch Indiana Jones again, as it feels so 80’s to me now. Such dramatics in the acting and dialog. Still it was fun and adventurous to watch again.

Afterwards I picked up watching Marco Polo, which I enjoyed and wished there was just a little more of to wrap the story better. It felt like they needed to wrap things up, but also wanted to leave it open for more. It was 2016 though, so I guess there is no more. I kinda feel like I’ve been watching too much TV now that I’ve given in to the Netflix subscription again. On the other hand, what else is there to do when we’re supposed to stay at home…

I have been thinking about other things to do, but haven’t gotten very far with it. I’m not feeling particularly creative right now, and feel like I’ve lost the gaming bug. I keep pushing myself on the home projects, but there’s only so much that is going to get done until the kitchen cabinets arrive. They’re delayed of course by the COVID issues. Latest expected date was May 11th. I’m trying to resist doing to much before hand in case I need some extra money on hand then for unforeseen difficulties. So that leaves movies & TV. Got any recommendations? Send ‘em my way!