Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

New Obsession

I have a new beauty product obsession - these amazing Lapcos Korean sheet masks from Costo.

Lapcos sheet mask variety pack

I am not really one for beauty products, but I’ve been super stressed, and I was all in for a way to kick back and relax. Not to mention that living alone now, I was less concerned about any laughter having this thing plastered on my face my insue. So I bought in. The first one I tried was Cica. It was packaged in green, and I like green.

My first at home facial

I was a bit skeptical, but it was so amazing. It was so incredibly cooling and refreshing. I could just feel the stress melting away. Seriously people. This was life changing.

These were a little pricey for everyday use, but I damn well did spend every night this last week working my way through the variety pack. Cica was my favorite, as it is super cooling and claming. It helped un-rosey-red my cheeks & nose! Woot! Milk and Honey were both luxuriously thick and nicely scented. Charcoal was also nice and refreshing, but didn’t have the extra bang of a nice fragrance or as cooling an effect as the cica. I’m skepitcal on the red wine, as I had a bit of a headache the next day, just like if I had drank red wine. (I can’t any more it is definitely a migraine trigger for me.)

I loved these so much that Then I as that I went back to Costco today to get more before they were gone. I drew the line 5 more packs, but already they were nearly gone, so I suspect there will be none next time I am there. Boo!!! I’ll be keeping my eyes out for these in the future though, and in the mean time have found you can get them on Amazon.

This is what the Covid stay at home has done for me. I’ve also become a bit YouTube obsessed. I now understand Martin’s obsession with it. I’ve discovered an amazing source of mostly useless information. However, thanks to YouTube I’ve also now been sucked into face yoga.

Did I mention the stress level was running a bit high? Well, adding this in to my routine as I wash up in the morning and wind down for the night has helped a lot to manage that.

I’m only a few days into this new habit, but I can already see and feel the difference in my tension filled brow. Woot! Maybe I can ditch those frown lines that have been building since high school in my 40s. This is what our Covid isolation is all about, finding your best self, right?

Anyhow, the highlight of today was that Martin was over again, and we got the stairs going down to the basement in. (I also sent him home with a pack of sheet masks for Miki. ^.^ Must spread the love!)

Stairs to the basement are in Woot! It looks so nice! Now I just need the basement floor…

For more cheer, the crab apples are in bloom. The flowers are so lovely! Fresh pink blooms on the Crap Apple tree

My back deck is looking lovely. Makes me want to grill… ^.^ Crap Apple tree in bloom

So I did. I finally did my first bit of solo cooking on the Big Green Egg. Tried my hand at baking a pizza… It was a little extra crispy, but overall not bad for a first attempt.

My first Green Egg pizza

I struggled a lot to get the temperature up high enough. I was aiming for 425, but I never managed to get it above 350. I eventually just tossed the pizza in anyway, but then lost what heat I had when I opened it to put the pizza in. I never got it back. Doing some research it seems like having a fan to increase the airflow really helps. Setting a timer might be important too. I forget about the pizza while looking up how to manage the grill temperature, hence the extra crispy…