Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Kitchen Work Begins

So, the cabinet install was scheduled for the Tuesday & Wednesday following Memorial Day. That means the holiday weekend was really kitchen tear-out and repair weekend for me.

Dumpster came on Friday. Awesome job with getting it here on short notice Commercial Containers! Called Wed, here Friday. Woot! The guy dropping it off was pretty awesome too. Worked hard to get it positioned perfectly on the driveway leaving room for my car to park next to it too.

Dumpster sitting out front

I spent my Friday night moving all my kitchen things out into the empty back bedroom. I started after work about 5:30, and wrapped up about 12:30AM. UGH!!! So much stuff… Of course I didn’t really make much of an effort at packing it, so it’s mostly just sprawled out on the floor.

Kitchen stuff spread out on the floor

So, here it is… Say good-bye to the old kitchen.

View of empty kitchen sink area.

Empty kitchen fridge area.

I had Dave & Martin over today to help me with the tear out. That went really well. It only took about 4 hours of work to get everything out. Woot! They did most of the pulling down and destruction of the cabinets, and I did most of the running of the junk down the stairs and out to the dumpster. (I could so feel the leg muscles the next day!) We were a great team!

As usual tearing things out brought a few surprises. One was a lovely moldy water spot on the wall behind the tall cabinet near the fridge. The wall has been cleaned and seems fine now, but I’ll have to do some searching in the attic to make sure that whatever was leaking isn’t still leaking. Fortunately it plans to rain basically all weekend. So if there is a leak, I should be able to find it. Woot?

Moldy spot on the wall

There was also an interesting bit of electrical work done and routed through some of the cabinets… I suppose it could go back in that way, but I suspect the installer isn’t going to like that. I probably need to look at fixing it as I move the other two outlets up to appropriate cabinet height.

Here’s the end results of our hard work. The gutted kitchen.

View of gutted kitchen sink area.

View of gutted fridge sink area.

Notice the incredibly large hole from the electrical cutout for the microwave. (Also note, we may have very nearly set the microwaver on fire by accidentally turning the burners on the stove on while taking it down and resting it on the stove top. A little grease in those filters? Ewww…)

Hopefully we can all work around the fridge, because I really don’t want to try to move it to the other room. It’s already adventurous enough in here with the dish washer and the range. Rosie the Roomba is going to love this…

Dining room full of kitchen stuff.

I had a shower and a little nap after Dave & Martin left, then the cats managed to get me up for dinner. Time to sort out my first no kitchen dinner. It was actually quite a lovely salad. My new favorite salad items is flaked sardines. Woot for the omega-3’s and protein!

Dinner salad, with feta, tomato, avocado, & flaked sardine