Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Kitchen Cabinets In!

The cabinets are really in now. I’m happy that work at least is all done! I can move my dishes and pantry things back into the kitchen, and now I have more space to store things! Woot!

In the old eat-in part of the kitchen I’ve now got a pantry area! new corner cabinets

There are some pull out shelves/drawers on the end… Cabinet with door front & pull out shelves

A lazy susan in the corner… Corner cabinet with lazy susan shelves

And a fancy pantry cabinet on the other side. Woot!!! Double door cabinet with pantry swing outs

The sink & dishwasher area… There’s a board over the sink spot so the cats don’t fall in. new sink area

The range & fridge spot. In the left corner, there’s another lazy susan and a pull-out spice rack. new range area

I’m so happy with how it all turned out!!! Excited to be able to start moving things back into the kitchen and off the dining room table and back bedroom floor! Woot!!!

Next step is the counter tops, which I’ll be waiting a bit for. They come to measure next Tuesday. Hopefully it won’t take too long after that to get them in and installed.Fingers crossed.

It started raining last night after dinner, and I spent some time lounging on the couch just listening to the rain fall. It was super relaxing. I eventually got myself cleanedup and ready for bed around 9, then popped open the bedroom window to fall asleep to rainfall. I slept so well… It was good to have a nice long, peaceful sleep. It’s been a busy weekend, so glad to have things pause for a few days at least on the reno.