Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

New Kitchen Floor!

I had an electrician & plumber out last week to get things setup for the new gas range. Woot! Now it’s just some wait time…

Friday night I got the kitchen cleaned up and ready for the new floor to go in. Say good-bye to the old vinyl…

Old yellow diamond vinyl floor

Martin stopped by Saturday to help me put in the new kitchen floor. I would have had a hell of a time trying to move the fridge and get everything done without him. It took a little longer than I thought it would (Doesn’t it always?), but it looks great.

New matching wood floor

I was tired after all that, especially after the busy week. Fred settled in with me afterwards to do a little reading. We didn’t make it all the way through the book.

Fred helping me read

I still have some minor things to finish, like filling in the spot for the dishwasher and adding quarter round trim to hide the cabinet shimming. The kitchen also still needs one more coat of paint before it will be ready for the countertops and appliances. Things for next weekend. I’m almost there.