Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

The Kitchen Has Countertops!

The kitchen is another step closer! My new countertops were installed today! Woot!!!

I love the new cabinets in the corner! It’ll be a great spot for the toaster oven, hot water pot, and all the other countertop appliances. I think not putting in upper cabinets here was a good choice. It keeps it really open.

New cabinets & countertop space in the corner.

The sink area looks great…

Countertop around the sink.

and I love the smooth, inset sink! It’s so nice to not have and spots for water to gather and gunk.

New single bowl sink.

The old fridge is still here, but can’t wait to be rid of it this week! I’m so excited for the new appliances!!!

New countertops around the range.

I was supposed to have Home Depot’s Crew2 out to do the plumbing tomorrow, but they apparently don’t want to return my calls or install a new dishwasher, even though that’s what I understood that I paid for. So I’m having Jeff from Lakeville Plumbing (952-892-0062) back out to finish things up for me. Honestly I like the guy. He’s communicative, does good work, and shows up on on-time. Glad to give more business to someone that deserves it.