Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

New Appliances! Half of them anyway...

Two steps forward and one back. The new range and dishwasher are here. Woot!!! However the new fridge and microwave that should have been here today are still backordered through the end of July.

In yet another customer service disappointement, I didn’t find that out from Lowe’s until I called wondering why I didn’t hear anything about the delivery window. It would have been nice for them to call earlier in the week. It’s not like they didn’t know it hadn’t even been shipped from the manufacturer to the store yet.

Still, I’m trying to focus on the positives while enjoying my week of vacation time. So check out the new gas range!!!

New gas range with double ovens.

It arrived with the dishwasher yesterday, but the Costco installer was out today to get it connected to the gas. Apparently it needs to run for an hour at 350 to burn off the oils from manufacturing, but with no exhaust to the outdoors and temperatures for the next week at 90+ that is so not happening right now.

The dishwasher is currently just chilling in the middle of the floor, as the plumber Jeff can’t make it out until next week. Not a big deal since I wasn’t expecting the dishwasher until Friday anyway. It surprised me by showing up early with the range. Guess both Costco and Home Depot had the same local truck service working on the deliveries. Woot! Worked well for me.

Other news… I’ve been trying to be a little social in my week off. I had a friend over for a movie Monday night, as the sky was dumping down an amazing amount of rain. Perfect night for a slightly creepy movie, Legend of the Demon Cat. I got lured in by the video for the theme, then just had to see the movie too. As might be implied by demon cat this cat is not cute and cuddly. It eats eyes. Cool movie though.

Yesterday I had some Hawaii Poke Bowl for lunch in Eagan’s Central Park. I had their Dragon Bowl, and it was super yummy. I so love the eel. Also met a friend from my pre-Covid bus commutes out there for lunch. We’ve been messaging a bit since we both abandoned the commute for working from home, and it was nice to get together in person. He might have been missing out though, in his lack of appetite for sea-food… Seriously the poke bowl was quite tasty.

It was also nice to get out and enjoy a little bit of nature before the heat really cranked up here today. As I mentioned, the next 10 days or so are all supposed to be 90+, so I’ve got the a/c running now and will probably keep myself indoors to stay cool.