Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Happy Independence Day!

With the holiday, my vacation week is coming to an end, but it’s been a great week. My kitchen is not quite where I had hoped, but it is a good deal further along. The more important thing is that I’ve had some time to rest and rejuvenate a bit.

Martin and Miki were over for a little grill-fest on Friday. It was so nice to spend the afternoon with the two of them. We had lots of yummy food and some tasy rosé wine. I may have had a bit much, but it was really good. Also nice to have wine that didn’t give me a headache. Woot! Wine victory!

Had another friend over on Saturday for lunch and then an afternoon of just chilling out. It was hot outside, so had the a/c running and it was nice and cool inside. We watched a cool little documentary on sushi making which was kinda neat, Jiro Dreams of Sushi.

Last bit of news for the week is that I’m on a 47 day Duolingo streak. Pretty proud of that. Looking to beat last year’s 50+ day streak. This time I’ve vowed that even if I lose the streak I’m not going to get disappointed and quit this time.

I wish I could say I had such a good streak going with some other habits… One thing at a time though. I’m trying to be nicer to myself. It’s been a tough year, but this week of vacation is doing amazing things for rejuvenation. I’m starting to feel more human and less bitchy. I could so use another week of this, but I’ll save that for after my Paxos crew graduates.