Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer


Well, somehow April is here. The weather has been nicer, and while it’s rained a lot lately, it’s making it pretty and green faster. Woot! Even though the weather is warmer, I still haven’t been out much. I’ve been working on fixing up the bathroom so it isn’t the sore spot of my upstairs. It’s been an adventure.

My first task was to paint the vanity cabinet. The vanity was kinda beat up & somewhat puffy in places from the moisture. The floor was well… I feel like I remember floor like that from my wee years.

I took the doors off and pulled out the doors to spray paint them in the garage. The old dark wood cabinet without the doors & the old floor.

Not sure if spray painting the cabinet itself in doors was the best idea. While it was quick, it made a HUGE mess everywhere to clean off the floor, vanity top, and just everywhere!!! Painted the vanity white

I also painted the pulls for the cabinet, so no more ugly brass. Painting the cabinet pulls

All done! Finished white vanity with pulls

I had some extra spray paint primer, so I thought I’d un-brown the door to the garage too. It was metal, so I didn’t think the interior paint would stick by itself. So, yet another mess was made… Garage door primed, spotty, but not brown! The primer coat was a splotchy mess, but it did make a fine base for the interior trim paint. With an additional coat of that, it came out beautifully.

Then the it was back to the bathroom for the walls & doors! Lighter blue walls, and doors primed white.

After priming the doors, I had some help taking them down and carrying them to the basement to finish painting. They came out much better that way!

Finally the floor had to go. First, I laid out the tiles to sort out colors and placement. Tiles laid out on the floor

Then it was time to peel and stick them down! I stopped at the tub & toilet, since the caulking and toilet had to come out to put the tile in. But the rest of it was done in about 2 hours, most of which was spent laying them out, cuz I’m indecisive about that stuff.

Most of the floor in

With the towel rack back up as well as the little glass shelf, it’s looking pretty good. As it all comes together, it’s like an entirely different place! Sink area looking good