Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Bathroom Almost Finished

So April is done, and the bathroom is mostly there. I managed to wrap-up the floor install, got the doors out & painted & back in. Then I decided to grout the floor too because I didn’t like the way it felt on my bare feet. It was a lot of work, but I’m really happy with the outcome.

Bathroom is just missing the trim.

The vanity cabinet is looking top notch with the new floor. white vanity with grey floor

Grouting the peel & stick tiles made the look AND feel much better! grey tiles filled w/ grout

The best part of this work was installing a bowed curtain rod for the shower. It has made a world of difference in my shower life. There is so much more space in there now & the curtain doesn’t touch me while showering! Woot!!! I am SO happy with this and it took maybe 20 minutes to take the old one out and put the new one in. shower curtain with curved rod

Clearly the work is not all done yet as there’s no trim. I’ve been kinda in a bit of a procrastination slump and have been taking it a little easy over the last few cold & rainy weekends, but I’m determined to get this done over the next weekend or two.