Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Move 2019

In January 2019 Martin and I sold our old home in St. Paul and moved into a new house in Burnsville.

Our new house

It’s been quite an adventure for us. We’ve been wanting to do this for some time, but made a rather impulsive decision to actually do it in October 2018. We worked with an awesome realator, Shari Seifert who helped us understand what we’d need to do to get our house on the market, and then worked with us to get it sold. We got offers right away and it was sold in a few days, at more than our asking price. Woot! Then we had the adventure of finding a new place. While there were some ups and downs along the home buying adventure, we ended up in what was my favorite place from the start. Now here we are! It’s been an incredible experience overall, and we’re super excited to be in what I like to call our forever home.

You can read more about our move and see pictures in the posts below.

Read More About Our Move!