Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

House Updates

I’ve been sick the last few days, so we didn’t get as much work done this weekend as planned. Martin’s still been hard at work, and I’ve tried to pitch in where I could, though I’ll admit he’s easily out-worked me. We had expected our POD to be delivered last Wed, but they had to reschedule for Monday. This was a total bummer,as we have things in there we need to get some of the work done.

My achievement for the weekend was pretty lame, though since I was sick, I’ll forgive myself. My office is all ready for painting now! It still needs to have the subfloor replaced, and hopefully the walls won’t get too beat up in that process, because it looks pretty good right now.

The patch-up work was no fun at all. The corners of the room were totally messed up, especially the one near the window where you could see the dry wall tape had rippled down the wall. I ended up putting new corner seams in and then had to putty it all up and sand it. The master bedroom needed two of these too, and Martin’s office needed one. Not fun! I did this in little wee bits over Thursday, Friday, & Saturday. Fortunately Martin helped out with some of the sanding.

My office with walls patched Another view of my office with walls patched

Today I put on the primer in my office. I’m mostly feeling better tonight, but this morning was still a bit rough. Fortunately, the priming went much better, but it’s amazing how tiring it is to paint when you aren’t feeling your best. I ended up doing a bit at the top of the wall, then sat down to do the bottom part. It took way longer than I expected, but I’m happy to have it done.

My office with walls patched Another view of my office with walls patched

You might notice the gap along the ceiling… The paining tools to do that are in the POD. Woot! We’ll have to come back and finish that all up after the POD arrives. Hopefully they won’t cancel or reschedule on us again.

Martin’s adventures in home renovation were much tougher than mine. We were talking about putting in the floor on Saturday, when I decided to help by reading the install guide. It said that you shouldn’t nail or glue the bamboo onto particle board. Guess what we had under the carpet - particle board! Woot!

So, we had to move all the flooring that we had staged in the bedroom, back out into the living room. Then Martin began the wonderful task of ripping out the particle board subfloor. On Saturday, Dave came to our rescue again. He brought his truck to help us get new sheets of (install guide approved) OSB from Home Depot back to our house. Woot! Martin & I managed to get it in the house and up the stairs to the bedroom, but then that wiped me out for the night and it was off to bed early for me.

This morning, Martin got the new OSB cut and laid out in the bedroom and hallway.

Master Bedroom with new OSB subfloor Hall with new OSB subfloor