Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Weekend Update - Floors started!

This was a busy weekend! I had a lot of fun, but we didn’t get as much home work done as we had hoped. If you pulled me away from that, don’t feel bad! We hit some other roadblocks too.

Saturday morning we started in on flooring our master bedroom. It took a little time to get everything set up - the air compressor & nailer ready, saw setup, etc. Once we got started with the floor things went along pretty smoothly… until we got to the air vent. Then we realized we didn’t have the floor vents to cut the boards around. Opps!

Floor started in the bedroom

So, now the floor vents are ordered, but it’ll be 5-7 days before we get them and then we’ll need to play around a bit with finding a wood finish to match our floors as the vents are coming unfinished. Still, it is nice to have some of the floor in. It looks like progress…

Sunday morning we were a little more prepared to kick things off, and got through about half of my office floor before we were off to lunch. We got the rest of it wrapped up (to the air vent) once we got back. Woot!!!

Floor almost done in my office

The floors are looking really nice, and I love the way it feels to walk on them. They are distressed so they are not perfectly smooth on top. Hopefully that’ll give a little texture to the floor to prevent me from sliding across it in my socks! (That was kinda fun though…)

I also ordered some legs for a new computer desk from UpliftDesk. I’ve taken to standing much of the time at work, and would like to be able to continue that habit at home. Maybe it will keep me from getting lost in the net or gaming for too long too! Since those are just the legs, Martin is going to make the desktop for me. He’s planning to do it cuttingboard style out of the wood slats we had for an extra bed. I’m excited to see how it turns out!