Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Snow & New Lights

We got dumped on today with another round of snow and a Winter Storm warnings. It was a work from home day for me, thank goodness as we got almost 9 inches of snow today. Things were quite a mess, and we’re really wanting a snow blower of our own right about now. Martin spent hours out there shoveling.

Front of the house after the snow.

Martin also got the living room subfloor torn out today, and that’s now ready for the new floor to be installed. It was a lot of work, but there were several spots that had been damaged with some mystery wetness that I’m glad are gone. It does smell a lot better up there now with most of the carpet and old particle board gone.

Living Room with the new subfloor.

I also installed some new LED lights in the basement this week too, after I finished up work. I wish I had thought of it earlier in the day, as I needed a flashlight to get them in at night. Fortunately Martin came down to hold the flashlight for me and help with some less than friendly screws.

New Lights in the basement. New Light in the daylight.

I think they’re pretty spiffy, and the light from them is pretty nice too. We had so many different kinds of light bulbs in the house, that it was a little maddening. Blue light here, soft white there… There were actually alternating light bulbs at the vanity in the bathroom. Sigh… While it may seem a little thing, it is really nice to have a little more lighting consistency now.