Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Restful Weekend

Martin wrapped up the floor tear out on Friday, and now we’ve got all the new subfloor in place and ready for the new bamboo. Woot! Now we’re in a bit of a holding pattern until we sort out exactly how we will finish the edges of the living room floor around the stairs and get the floor vents we ordered.

Dining Room with the new subfloor.

We started out Saturday morning with a little breakfast at Jensen’s again. Then took a trip to Home Depot to see if we could find some sort of bullnose flooring that we could finish to fit around the stairway. There are pieces that can be special ordered from Lumber Liquidator’s, BUT they are amazingly expensive and they would take another 10-15 days to arrive. Martin is dead set against doing it, so plan B.

Problem area around the stairs

We picked up some Red Oak boards and some matching quarter round along with some wood stain. The plan is to run the boards through Martin’s new planer to match the flooring height, then use a router to add the top curved edge, and then finally glue the quarter round onto the bottom so that it will hang over the edge and cover the subfloor. We will also need to stain it to match the finish of the bamboo. Cheaper yes, but also a lot more work if you ask me. Of course it might also allow for us to do something similar for the stair treads, so it might payoff well in the long term… We shall see.

There was a bit more sanding needed to finish off the patch work in the two offices, so I finished that Saturday afternoon. Martin spent the rest of the day trying to get a table built for his router and something of a work space setup in the basement storage area.

Sunday morning we finished the priming of the remaining bits of my office as well as Martin’s office. We also got about half of the flooring installed. His closet area was proving to be a bit more difficult and the patience for working with it today just wasn’t there. (We got another few inches of snow last night and the snow plow filled our driveway with it just before we started.)

Martin's Office primed Martin's Office with some floor

I also spent a good amount of time this weekend working on fixing up my Windows PC. I don’t think I’ve complained here yet, but at some point in the packing up process, it was interrupted in a Windows Update which didn’t complete. The end result of that was that the driver for any USB keyboard was messed up. That meant we needed to reinstall windows, which meant we needed the Windows CD from the POD, and the motivation to sit down and wipe it. Martin did that for me two weeks ago now, fixing the keyboard but leaving me with a fresh computer with no software. Joy!!!

It took longer than I expected to get everything installed again, but I’m happy to say that I now have Steam back (no games installed though) as well as Guild Wars 2. I was able to run a GW2 key farm Sunday while getting the rest of my stuff set up again. I probably won’t have much computer time until my office is setup again, but at least this is one time sink in that process that is now already completed.